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      日前,《THE》Winners of Times Higher Education Awards 2016 announced(2016泰晤士高等教育獎獲獎名單揭曉),此次頒發(fā)了20類獎項,以表彰這些機構和個人在英國高等教育方面的杰出貢獻。

      倫敦衛(wèi)生與熱帶醫(yī)學院(London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)此次被評為Times Higher Education Awards 2016年度最佳大學(University of the Year),具體獲獎名單如下:

      Times Higher Education Awards 2016 winners年度最佳大學(University of the Year):

      London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine倫敦衛(wèi)生與熱帶醫(yī)學院

      本年度創(chuàng)業(yè)型大學(Entrepreneurial University of the Year):

      London South Bank University

      本年度最具創(chuàng)新性教師獎(Most Innovative Teacher of the Year):

      Sara Wolfson, Canterbury Christ Church University坎特伯雷大學

      杰出的數(shù)字創(chuàng)新教學或研究獎(Outstanding Digital Innovation in Teaching or Research):

      University of Leeds and Leeds College of Art利茲大學和利茲藝術學院

      領導發(fā)展杰出貢獻獎(Outstanding Contribution to Leadership Development):

      Royal Holloway, University of London皇家霍洛威大學

      本年度商學院獎(Business School of the Year):

      Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde斯特拉思克萊德大學

      THE DataPoints Merit Awards:

      University of Surrey薩里大學

      國際學生戰(zhàn)略杰出獎(Outstanding International Student Strategy):

      Royal Northern College of Music英國皇家北方音樂學院

      本年度國際合作獎(International Collaboration of the Year):

      The Royal College of Pathologists

      扶持學生杰出獎(Outstanding Support for Students):

      University of Wolverhampton伍爾弗漢普頓大學

      創(chuàng)新和技術的杰出貢獻獎(Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology):

      Nottingham Trent University諾丁漢特倫特大學

      本年度擴大參與或宣傳倡議獎(Widening Participation or Outreach Initiative of the Year):

      University of Winchester溫切斯特大學

      商業(yè)-大學合作最具創(chuàng)新貢獻獎(Most Innovative Contribution to Business-University Collaboration):

      Dairy Crest, in collaboration with Harper Adams University

      最快提高學生經(jīng)驗獎(Most Improved Student Experience):

      Ulster University阿爾斯特大學

      年度杰出研究主管(Outstanding Research Supervisor of the Year):

      Alys Young, University of Manchester曼徹斯特大學

      年度研究項目獎(Research Project of the Year):

      University of Salford索爾福德大學

      藝術卓越與創(chuàng)新獎(Excellence and Innovation in the Arts):

      University of Central Lancashire中央蘭開夏大學

      當?shù)厣鐓^(qū)杰出貢獻獎(Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community):

      Edge Hill University邊山大學

      雇主參與主動性杰出獎(Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative):

      Liverpool John Moores University利物浦約翰摩爾大學

      迪林勛爵終身成就獎(The Lord Dearing Lifetime Achievement Award):

      Lord Sainsbury of Turville

      倫敦地鐵職工罷工 數(shù)百萬人出行受阻
      女警變身網(wǎng)紅 身材顏值均爆表
      職業(yè)道德監(jiān)督、違法和不良信息舉報電話:0591-87095414 舉報郵箱:service@hxnews.com
      CopyRight ?2016 海峽網(wǎng)(海峽都市報社主辦) 版權所有 閩ICP備15008128號-2 閩互聯(lián)網(wǎng)新聞信息服務備案編號:20070802